This week: Dorie Greenspan and Rick Stein book tour dates, the ever-moving publication date challenge, recipes, EYBD Preview and cookbook giveaways

Earlier this week, I began working on September's new cookbook review. And surprise, once again, many titles have been moved from September to either October or November. Frankly, those months are already bursting at the seams with releases. This all makes me a little nervous at the enormity of those month's cookbook reviews! I am keeping our 2021 preview post… read more

This week: Ottolenghi YouTube series, Fortnum & Mason Food Award winners, GBBO air date confirmed, upcoming books from GBBO stars and more

Mark your calendars! Channel 4 has confirmed that The Great British Bake Off will return on 21 September. This is the second series to be filmed with strict regulations to reduce the potential spread of COVID on the set. The good news this year is that there appears to be no shortage of flour or yeast.  Netflix will stream the… read more

The last two weeks: A look inside Gastro Obscura, 2022 cookbooks, giveaways, recipes and EYBD Previews

This roundup has more links and information than usual as we skipped last week's post as we sent out the monthly newsletter. For brevity's sake, I will keep the topic short and sweet: a quick look at an amazing food title: Gastro Obscura: A Food Adventure by Cecily Wong, Dylan Thuras and Atlas Obscura. Gastro Obscura is one of those… read more

This week: A look inside Jamie Oliver’s upcoming book, the art of creating canelés, cookbook giveaways, recipes and EYBD Previews

For this week's roundup, I will feature a look at Jamie Oliver's latest book and I plan to detail more titles next week. My preview for the second half of 2021 and other sneak peeks can be found at the links shared. I also wanted to revisit canelés as we were discussing this lovely pastry in The Cookbook Junkies. COVID's… read more

This week: A look inside upcoming cookbooks; recipes, cookbook giveaways and EYBD Previews

There are a wealth of delicious titles being released this year and I covered many in my Cookbook Preview for the second half of 2021. Since that preview, I have received additional electronic copies of certain books and wanted to share some insight into those as well as to alert you to a new book coming from White Lily Flour. The… read more

The last two weeks: Baking news, GBBO and other baking shows to begin soon, a look inside a few autumn baking titles, cookbook giveaways, EYBD Previews and more

This week Brian Hart Hoffman of Bake from Scratch announced a new series of Williams-Sonoma virtual baking classes. The first class is set for August 9th and features croissants. Additional classes are lined up throughout August and Edd Kimber and Amanda Frederickson will be joining Brian as set out in our calendar. Speaking of croissants, Brian is the latest culinary… read more

This week: The best of baking intentions, recently indexed books, recipes, EYBD Previews and giveaways

My head is paved with the best of baking intentions. I make plans to tackle a baking project and then the next thing you know "Bazinga!" I am binge watching The Big Bang Theory to avoid said projects. Nine months ago, I traced the circles onto parchment to bake the Honey cake (photo below) from Baking at the 20th Century… read more

This week: A sneak peek at cookbooks from Pati Jinich, Edd Kimber and Hisham Assaad, recently indexed books, recipes, giveaways and EYBD Previews

My fall/autumn cookbook preview is being drafted but I am awaiting more pdfs in order to try to give our members the most information on each title from around the world. Before the end of the month, I will have that published for you along with many EYBD Previews. This week's roundup will give you a look inside Treasures of… read more

The last two weeks: Recipes for the grill and dessert with a global flair, a new podcast, newly indexed books, cookbook giveaways, EYBD Previews and more

Our last weekly roundup featured chilly desserts and beverages. To continue on that track, earlier this week I shared promotions for Honey & Co: Chasing Smoke: Cooking Over Fire Around the Levant and New-School Sweets: Old-School Pastries with an Insanely Delicious Twist - both of which shared some gorgeous looking recipes - photo below of New-School Sweets - to try… read more

This week: How to beat the heat with cooling beverages and desserts, recipes, cookbook previews and giveaways

Summertime is here for most of us in the northern hemisphere and I am sure many of us want to avoid turning on the oven for any reason. This week's roundup will focus on chilly desserts along with cocktails/beverages because nothing tackles being parched like an icy beverage - whether a mocktail or cocktail. Frozen peanut butter pie from Cook Republic… read more

This week: How to make EYB work better for you, member indexing, recipes, cookbook EYBD previews and giveaways

This week's roundup will cover a few Eat Your Book topics. First we hope our members are enjoying the site and reaping delicious benefits from using your cookbooks more. Last year we published a post with some suggestions and recently I updated it with more links toward the bottom of the article. We have been super busy indexing books -… read more

This week: Japanese cuisine, recipes, cookbook giveaways, EYBD previews and more!

As I have mentioned before, I have been finding joy in watching YouTube videos that involve cooking. One channel that I love is Nami, a single female Japanese office worker documenting her lifestyle via vlog. A majority of her videos demonstrate what she cooks in her small Tokyo apartment. She creates multi-coursed meals that look incredible. I would kill… read more

The last two weeks: The dangers or benefits of working on the Library, cookbook giveaways and EYBD Previews, recipes and more!

Some of you may recall My Big Fat Cookbook Purge of 2021 initiative that I began when I was younger and full of hope (in March). Some recent issues have hindered my ability to lift or do manual labor which has slowed down the progress of my efforts. My goal is to still knock down some of the mountains of… read more

This week: Modernist Pizza – October 2021, upcoming Phaidon cookbooks, recipes, cookbook giveaways and EYBD Previews

Exciting cookbook news this week. Modernist Pizza will be released this October. I have been sitting on my fingers to avoid sharing the news until I received the okay. I had added the book to our Library about a week ago but knew it was coming long before. The anxiety of not publishing the announcement nearly did me in. I'm… read more

This week: Skillet bread, recipes, cookbook giveaways, previews and more

The team has been very busy at Eat Your Books: indexing titles, getting through the March - May rush of new cookbooks and providing you with daily culinary news. The place in my heart for librarian love grew three sizes in the last few weeks. There is a lot of double and triple checking numbers and dates until eventually you… read more

The last two weeks: Keeping produce fresh longer, Bryant Terry’s new publishing imprint, recipes, cookbook previews and giveaways

About a month ago, I ordered a set of Stasher silicone reusable bags (as well as a few extra mid-sized bags). I had watched a few videos where cooks were using them and I wanted to try them myself. I received them and put them into the "I'll get to" pile - that pile is ridiculously high. As you may… read more

This week: A look inside Rose Levy Beranbaum’s The Cookie Bible, updated events calendar, recipes, EYBD previews and giveaways

Hello dear members. I am up to my eyeballs in April cookbooks preparing for this month's new cookbook review due next week. Accordingly, this week's roundup will be short but very sweet. Today I'll give you a detailed look inside Rose Levy Beranbaum's The Cookie Bible slated for publication on November 9, 2021. If you are preordering from Book Depository… read more

This week: Jachnun the 12 hour delight plus recipes, EYBD Previews, cookbook giveaways and more.

Recently my daughter-in-law forwarded a video on Jachnun to me and I, of course, had to learn more about this "not quite a bread, not quite a pastry" Yemeni dish. Caveat: I am not an expert on any subject, I am taking some time to research this dish and share what I learn. How to cook jachnun and what to… read more

This week: New online baking classes, a peek inside Dorie’s upcoming cookbook, EYBD Preview, cookbook giveaways and more!

This week Williams-Sonoma announced their lineup for the next series of Baking School with Brian Hart Hoffman of Bake From Scratch. I have added these dates and particulars to our calendar. I want to take a moment to highlight cookbooks (and upcoming cookbooks) from some of the bakers joining Brian in Baking School. The Cupcake Diaries was written by the… read more

The last two weeks: Cookbook libraries, new print feature at EYB, cookbook giveaways, EYBD previews and more!

Since my last roundup, we've been busy! There have been many cookbooks indexed and a new member added to our team. But before we cover those things, I thought it would be nice to talk a bit about cookbook libraries or libraries with a heavy cookbook collection for today's topic. April 4th begins National Library Week so this is a… read more

This week: So many cookbooks, our week in review, new recipes, giveaways, EYBD Previews and more

This week I have been happily buried in reviewing new cookbooks as well as continuing to update our 2021 preview post and our Library. Did you know you could sort the library by the date the books were added? Doing so brings up recent additions by members and new 2021 titles added by myself or our team. A few recent… read more

This week: Irish brown bread, St. Patrick’s Day grub, cookbook giveaways and EYBD Previews

Please don't send evil Leprechauns after me but I do not like typical Irish soda bread (online recipes) or corned beef (online recipes). I do however love brown bread (online recipes) and potatoes (especially Colcannon) - I am an Irish girl after all. I'll give up all the other meal components for extra slices of sugary topped craggily brown bread.… read more

The last two weeks: Basque cheesecake, recipes, Spring cookbook highlights, EYBD previews and more!

Last week we held our roundup as the timing fell close to the monthly newsletter. We prefer to space out our mailings as a courtesy to our members. Nothing drives me bonkers more than getting several emails in the span of a week from the same party. "Yes, Sur la Table, I know I left something in my shopping cart.… read more

This week: Celebrating Black cookbook authors releasing titles in 2021 and a look at BEM Books & More; along with recipes, cookbook previews and more.

This week in celebration of Black History Month, I have highlighted upcoming 2021 cookbooks written by Black authors along with some information about a recently launched Black-owned cookbook shop. These are titles that have been on my 2021 cookbook preview post which I continually update because I am obsessed with cookbooks just like you! Expect more in-depth reviews of many… read more

This week: Online cooking and baking classes, Spring cookbooks, recipes, EYBD previews, giveaways and more.

February is nearly half over and we are entering the second busiest time of the year for cookbook releases. This week, I spent a great deal of time editing our EYB Library and reviewing the Spring books that I have been fortunate enough to have received a galley. I am also linking ebook versions of the new books as we… read more
Seen anything interesting? Let us know & we'll share it!