Time for a snack and a book
December 20, 2010 by Susie
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The holiday season this year has been a compressed blur, with Thanksgiving segueing instantly into Hanukkah into Christmas. I bet you haven't had a chance to do much more than crack your cookbooks to the right page as you dash from one festive culinary ordeal to the next. Forget about browsing through new books in an armchair! But in the… read more
J M Hirsch
December 19, 2010 by Jane
J M Hirsch on Cookbooks as Inspiration. My job makes it hard not to be a little jaded about cookbooks. As food editor for The Associated Press, I get sent virtually every cookbook published, sometimes several times (when the PR people aren't all that on the ball). The result is a tidal wave of recipes clamoring to be consumed. Some are obvious… read more
New registration and payment system
December 8, 2010 by Fiona
Today is a significant day for Eat Your Books - the beta sign has finally come off. It's taken longer than we thought - but that's the nature of software development. At the beginning of the year, we didn't realise we were going to do a complete rewrite of the site, but we did, and it's now the website that… read more
What makes a cookbook terrific or terrible?
December 6, 2010 by Jane
Susie has written a great article today in Publishers Weekly, titled "10 Things Every Cookbook Publisher Should Know". Susie receives stacks of new cookbooks every week and she road-tests and reviews many of them. So she really knows what works and what doesn't. read more
Susie’s picks for best cookbooks of 2010
November 21, 2010 by Jane
Our own Susie Chang was on NPR Weekend Edition Sunday this morning with some of her picks of the best cookbooks this year. The full list is on the NPR website and it's also worth listening to the on-air story. We will again this year be compiling a best of the best list of 2010 list, for which we will be tracking down… read more
How many cookbooks do we need?
October 21, 2010 by Jane
Josh Ozersky writes in the current issue of Time magazine that no-one needs more than about four cookbooks. What nonsense! Nancy Baggett, author of numerous wonderful cookbooks, has responded on her blog and asked for comments. read more
Keep up to date with EYB
October 21, 2010 by Jane
We are now posting details of newly indexed books on our Twitter and Facebook feeds, so if you would like to know immediately what new books have been indexed, subscribe by clicking the links on the Community page. We will also be posting the links to Buzz features - news from the world of cookbooks. read more
Armchair Adventures
October 17, 2010 by Susie
Lushly photographed on coated stock, ruinously priced, and as heavy as a KitchenAid mixer--you know what I'm talking about: coffee-table cookbooks. You tell yourself this will be the last one, truly, and yet there you are again, plunking down $50 and change for a cookbook that will never see the inside of your kitchen. Why is that? It's because they're… read more
Molly Stevens
October 15, 2010 by Jane
Molly Stevens Why Recipes Don't Work... We caught up with the one and only Molly Stevens--author, co-author, or editor of many cookbooks, including the James Beard Award-winning All about Braising. She's also a contributing editor at Fine Cooking and teaches cooking classes throughout the country. She provided us with a rare insight--from a cooking teacher's perspective--on why cookbooks can only… read more
Crust craze: Dinner’s in the oven!
September 17, 2010 by Susie
If there's one thing I love about the end of the summer, it's turning the oven back on again. And if there's one thing I like about an oven, it's getting to make dinner under, inside, or on top of a crust. My son's favorite dinner is chard tart (sautéed greens in a Gruyère custard in a crust, basically). That's followed… read more
Some features you may be missing
September 1, 2010 by Jane
In developing the new website, there were some features that we didn't have time to incorporate. They are however on our to-do list so you should see them improved and back on EYB soon. Friends - we are developing a much-improved social networking feature for EYB and Friends will be part of that. We have retained your Friends data so when we… read more
New version of EYB is here at last
August 30, 2010 by Jane
It's taken us longer than we would like but we are really happy with the end result - we hope you are too! We have a great team of developers who have incorporated your feedback since we launched. There are a lot more improvements we want to make over the next few months but the basic structure we have now… read more
Monica Bhide
August 29, 2010 by Jane
Monica Bhide looks at how family recipes change over time... This morning I was making a lentil soup for my family, almost exactly the way my grandmother, in India, taught me decades ago. Or so I first thought. Her recipe used six tablespoons of butter, onions, garlic, red lentils, about eight different spices, loads of cilantro and a touch of… read more
Matt and Ted Lee
August 29, 2010 by Jane
Matt Lee and Ted Lee talk about their beloved grandmother... Elizabeth Maxwell, our late grandmother, had a profound influence on our cooking, though you'll have to banish any images of an aproned Southern Grandmother laboring all day at the stove, stirring her collards and hushing her puppies. Gran, as we called her, was a thoroughly modern Yankee, wearer of short… read more
The Observer’s Top 10 Cookbooks of All Time
August 14, 2010 by Jane
The list is now up at sister paper The Guardian's website. And the top 10 are: 1. The French Menu Cookbook by Richard Olney2. French Provincial Cooking by Elizabeth David3. The Book of Jewish Food by Claudia Roden4. The Kitchen Diaries by Nigel Slater5. Roast Chicken and Other Stories by Simon Hopkinson & Lindsey Bareham6. English Food by Jane Grigson7. Thai Food by David Thompson8. The Classic Italian Cookbook by Marcella Hazan9. Sichuan Cookery by Fuchsia Dunlop10. Great Dishes of… read more
Best 50 cookbooks of all time?
August 13, 2010 by Jane
The Guardian has today listed the first installment of the best 50 cookbooks of all time, as chosen by The Observer's Food Monthly. The top 10 will be published in this Sunday's Observer. See how many you have, and how many you disagree with. Inevitably the skew is British though there are nine Americans in the list and one Australian. Rather… read more
Never mind what I eat…what do you eat???
August 6, 2010 by Susie
Although new food books arrive at my house every day, very rarely does one stop me in my tracks. But that's what happened when I opened the familiar cardboard envelope and found What I Eat: Around the World in 80 Diets. One moment I was sorting through the mail; the next I was transported on a whirlwind, National Geographic-style tour… read more
Essential maintenance
August 5, 2010 by Jane
We will have to take the site down this morning, hopefully for not longer than 3 hours, for some essential upkeep of the site. It should be back up by 3pm EST. Once the new version of the site goes live in the next couple of weeks, such downtime will not be necessary. Apologies if you needed to use EYB during this… read more
Hostess with the mostest (…or not!)
July 25, 2010 by Susie
Entertaining-focused cookbooks come out twice a year--before summer and for the holidays (even if their party suggestions are not season-sensitive). I always leaf through the summer ones with the slightly dislocated sense one has when observing a foreign culture. Twice each summer is my limit, basically, when it comes to entertaining. The first time is my daughter's birthday (cookies &… read more
13 ways of looking at a cherry tomato…
July 25, 2010 by Jane
...well, maybe not quite that many (with apologies to Wallace Stevens). It takes forever, it seems, for the Sungold cherry tomatoes to ripen. We started them in March, shuttled them in and out of the house during the frosty nights of April, gently forked them into the ground in May and watched for 8 weeks! as those tiny green marbles… read more
100,000 cookbooks on EYB members’ Bookshelves
July 23, 2010 by Jane
There are now more than 100,000 cookbooks on our members' Bookshelves. The number of members owning each book varies from 550 for Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume One down to lots of books just owned by one member. You can check out who else owns your cookbooks by clicking Other Bookshelves under book details. Then you can look at all the… read more
We Scream for Ice Cream
July 5, 2010 by Susie
97 degrees - that's the high today, and that's here in New England. Even the most dedicated home cook has mixed feelings about cooking in weather like this. All I want to do is sit in a hammock with a book while someone brings me a cool drink once in a while. Or, better yet, a dish of ice cream.… read more
Congratulations to Susie!
June 23, 2010 by Jane
Our own Susie Chang has just been awarded 3rd place in the biennial MFK Fisher Award for Excellence in Culinary Writing (administered by Les Dames d'Escoffier International). The story so honored was last year's Gather Ye Squash Blossoms While Ye May on NPR. Congratulations Susie - a great honor! read more
EYB Library now 79,000 books
June 7, 2010 by Jane
The import of books data from around the world is now complete, a total of nearly 79,000 cookbooks and books on food from the USA & Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. So you should now be able to add most of your books to your Bookshelf. Any you find that we don't have, import the ISBNs using… read more
New community page features
May 13, 2010 by Jane
We have added some fun new features to Community - let us know what you think. We would love contributions from EYB members for some of them - Hot Find, Puzzler and Buzz from the Web are all places where your input would be helpful. So if you see something that you think would fit in one of those categories, please email us… read more
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