Featured Cookbooks & Recipes

Did you know adding online recipes to your EYB Bookshelf is a really great way to build your personal recipe collection?  You can do this even if you have a free membership! 

Try it out now and see how easy it is. Browse the recipes below, choose one that appeals, click on the link, and add it to your Bookshelf. (Make sure that you are signed in first.)

All the recipes we feature in these weekly round-ups have online links so you can add any of them to your Bookshelf.

Happy cooking and baking everyone!


From blogs:

Cardamom Vanilla Bean Toasted Coconut Shortbread from indexed blog Savory Simple



From AUS/NZ books:

5 recipes from Smith & Daughters: A Cookbook (That Happens to Be Vegan) by Shannon Martinez & Mo Wyse

Enter our Smith & Daughters GIVEAWAY! (US only)



From UK books:

5 recipes from Provence to Pondicherry: Recipes from France and Faraway by Tessa Kiros

Enter our Provence to Pondicherry GIVEAWAY! (US only)



From Canadian books:

9 recipes from Araxi: Roots to Shoots: Farm Fresh Recipes by James Walt & Andrew Morrison

Enter our Araxi GIVEAWAY! (US/CAN only)



From US books:

10 recipes from Gather by Gill Meller (first published in the UK)

Enter our Gather GIVEAWAY! (US only)


4 recipes from Onions Etcetera: The Essential Allium Cookbook: More Than 150 Recipes for Leeks, Scallions, Garlic, Shallots, Ramps, Chives and Every Sort of Onion by Kate Winslow & Guy Ambrosino

Enter our Onions Etcetera GIVEAWAY! (US only)


7 recipes from My Master Recipes: 165 Recipes to Inspire Confidence in the Kitchen with Dozens of Variations by Patricia Wells

Enter our My Master Recipes GIVEAWAY! (US only)


10 recipes from My Two Souths: Blending the Flavors of India into a Southern Kitchen by Asha Gomez

Enter our My Two Souths GIVEAWAY! (US only)

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