Add blogs to your bookshelf

To make Eat Your Books even more useful we are adding blogs and food websites so you can now search ALL the recipes you want to use – whether they are in your cookbooks, in your magazines or on your favorite website.  

Over the next few months we’ll be adding more blogs and websites and we’d love to hear which ones you’d like to see included – a survey is on the Community page. We are only adding blogs with original recipes.  Once a blog is added to your Bookshelf the recipes on that website become part of your recipe search.

There are now separate tabs for Books, Magazines, Blogs and Recipes.   The recipes tab includes all recipes from all sources – but by using the filter on the right hand side you can select to see recipes from one source only.  The online recipes filter is also available for the Library – so you can now search all recipes that have an online link – particularly useful if you’re away from home without your books.

New Tabs

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