Happy Birthday to us!

Today is the 15th anniversary of the launch of Eat Your Books. Here is the first post I put up on the blog on our launch day – rather optimistically since on that day our only members were friends and family. Looking back at that day I really didn’t imagine I’d still be doing this 15 years later – not because I wouldn’t want to (I love my job!) but because so many start-ups fail. But here we are – going from strength to strength and adding new features all the time.

A big thank you to our long-time members and also new members who have only recently discovered us. The site wouldn’t exist without your support. And a huge thank you to our dedicated staff including our many indexers – both professional and member volunteers – who add new recipe data to the site every day.

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  • Kristjudy  on  August 1, 2024

    Happy birthday 🇨🇦🎂

  • anya_sf  on  August 1, 2024

    Happy birthday and thank you all for your hard work! It is very much appreciated.

  • Astrid5555  on  August 1, 2024

    Happy Birthday EYB! I am so glad I found you 14 years ago! I have been on your site almost every day since then. You have been helping me to make the most of my ever-growing cookbook collection, writing 1842 notes and even member-indexing my German language cookbooks (only 234 books to go at the moment 😉). Thanks for all the great features you keep on adding!

  • dadekian  on  August 1, 2024

    Happy Anniversary!

  • eliza  on  August 1, 2024

    Happy Birthday! I think I joined about 13 years ago and like Astrid555 I’m here every day; it’s the only online membership I have. I really appreciate all your hard work and also everyone’s helpful reviews.

  • JaniceKj  on  August 1, 2024

    Happy Birthday! Congratulations and yes, your hard work has paid off. I have a habit of checking EYB daily with my morning joe. No better way!

  • dmco6863  on  August 2, 2024

    Congrats, I appreciate all that you do 🥳🥂

  • Pamsy  on  August 2, 2024

    Happy Birthday Eat Your Books. I’m another one who comes here everyday for inspiration. Here’s to the next 15 years :}

  • JenjiRM  on  August 2, 2024

    Happy Birthday EYB! 🎂

  • averythingcooks  on  August 2, 2024

    I joined on December 30, 2016 making a New Year’s resolution to really use my book collection to its fullest potential. Finally, a resolution that I have stuck to for close to 8 years with no intentions of stopping! At 1850 notes as of today, happy birthday from another very grateful, everyday user 🙂

  • Lindsay  on  August 2, 2024

    Happy Birthday! Since I was there at the beginning I really realize how much work you and Fiona put into this just to get it started-and it’s great that you’re still enjoying it! If you ever get to Sarasota, let me know…

  • Rinshin  on  August 2, 2024

    Happy Birthday EYB. Glad I found you 11 years ago.

  • Shelmar  on  August 3, 2024

    Thank you and Happy Birthday!

  • monasli  on  August 3, 2024

    Happy happy birthday!! I have used EYB almost everyday since I started logging in my books. Thanks for all your hard work!

  • SheilaS  on  August 3, 2024

    Happy Birthday, EYB! I’m also a 14-yr member. My cookbooks and I would be lost without you!

  • chriscooks  on  August 3, 2024

    Happy birthday! I think I discovered you in 2012 and subscribed fairly quickly. I love reading comments on recipes I’m thinking of making, and I’ve always received rapid replies to my queries.

  • Su2cool  on  August 4, 2024

    happy birthday. I’ve enjoyed it.

  • akliday  on  August 4, 2024

    Congratulations and cheers to many more years for this website to continue serving its purpose. It has been a “cookbook life saver” to me 🙂

  • Nancith  on  August 5, 2024

    Happy Birthday! Prior to discovering EYB, I had repeatedly been wishing that someone would come up with a program or app that would make it easier to find favorite recipes that were in who-knew-which-cookbook. My wish was granted upon discovering EYB (I now know which book that blue cheese potato salad is in!)!

  • sanfrannative  on  August 6, 2024

    So appreciate your work! Happy birthday 🎉 and so glad you are around. You make it easy for me to navigate my collection of 200+ cookbooks🌸

  • KarenGlad  on  August 9, 2024

    Have to add my congratulations and thank you too. I’ve been here so long I don’t remember when I joined, but it’s gotta be 10 years. I had started an index of my own on spreadsheets before I found you. I’m here almost every day, a part of my morning tea routine.

  • rlmiller  on  August 12, 2024

    Happy Birthday! I joined about 11 or 12 years ago and don’t know what I would do without EYB. Here’s to many more successful years!

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