Half a million indexed recipes have links to the full recipe

It may seem the image is celebrating Independence Day in the USA. But no, it’s fireworks for Eat Your Books today passing 500,000 Online Recipes, where one click takes you to the full recipe. 183,000 of these are from cookbooks; 146,000 are from magazines; 88.000 are from ckbk; and the balance are from blogs, newspaper columns and other online sites.

Members can add any Online Recipe to their Bookshelf – just click the blue +Bookshelf button, as you do when adding books. Members can also add any online recipe they see to the EYB Library and their Bookshelf – read more about that on this Help Page.

Online Recipe links can get broken for several reasons – the site closes, it removes the recipe, it has a site redesign and changes the page URL format, etc. We have a Broken Link Report that you can click and then we can replace the link if a working one is available or delete it if not.

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  • demomcook  on  July 4, 2024

    Congratulations! It has been very enjoyable to watch you growing all of these years.

  • KarenGlad  on  July 4, 2024

    Thank you! Use the online recipe search here all the time.

  • Thrasymachus  on  July 7, 2024

    Congratulations. Honestly, I would be lost without this site

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