Peek inside Prune

Gabrielle Hamilton’s new cookbook stands apart, as we’ve previously discussed. We’re excited to announce that we’ve scored an excerpt from Prune to share with EYB Members, plus you can enter our contest for your chance to win a copy! And don’t forget to check Hamilton’s tour dates for the book in our events calendar.

The excerpt below (click on the photo to view the entire excerpt) is for Grilled hamburger with Cheddar cheese on toasted English muffin with parsley shallot butter (photo credit: Eric Wolfinger). Although the recipe is simple and straightforward, Hamilton’s directions are detailed and evocative: “Season each burger all over–top, bottom, and the circumference–with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper. Hold your hands high and “rain” the salt and pepper.”

We hope you enjoy the glimpse into this unique cookbook.

Prune cookbook

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One Comment

  • rlmiller  on  November 16, 2014

    This cookbook looks great! Can't wait.

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