Saying goodbye to a season

Just like that, the sun’s angle has shifted, the daylight hours are noticeably shorter, and the morning air is crisp and cool. Of course the process has been more gradual, but at this time of year it almost seems like Mother Nature flips a switch to usher in the next season. While it can be difficult for a warm weather-loving person like myself to say goodbye to summer, I must admit a sigh of relief that the cucumbers are nearing the end of their production. I’ve run out of ways to use them – there have been salads, dips, cold soups, sandwiches, and beverages galore – so it’s wonderful to contemplate the bounty that autumn brings, with apples, squash, root vegetables, and spices to make you feel warm on a cool evening.

The rhythm of the seasons means you don’t get bored with the same old foods: just when you are getting tired of one thing, there’s another on the horizon. It also makes the fleeting times when foods are at their peak all the more special: the blush of strawberries in June, July’s succulent sweet corn, August’s juicy tomatoes, and October’s crisp apples. Since I am so far north that eating completely in season would make the long winters seem even longer, I do appreciate that supermarkets carry out-of-season fruits and vegetables shipped in from other regions. Nevertheless, anticipating the return of fresh and vibrant local produce makes the cold and dark days more bearable.

In the next few weeks I will put the gardens to bed, and with it the endless weeding. Then I will turn to the cold weather pursuit of baking that was pushed aside during the long, hot days of summer. The transitions from summer to autumn and winter to spring seem much more dramatic than from spring to summer or autumn to winter, at least food-wise. In this transition, I’m eager to make pies of all kinds and enjoy long-simmering soups. What foods are you anticipating the most for the next season?

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  • KarenGlad  on  September 8, 2024

    My favourite season. Apple and or cinnamon anything….roast chicken or even better roast turkey dinner…or a simple dish of spaghetti and meatballs in tomato sauce. The north shore of Lake Superior is stunningly beautiful but especially so this time of year.

  • lean1  on  September 8, 2024

    Using butternut squash, roasted in salads on pizza in pasta.
    Crisp apple tarts.
    Eggplant parm.

  • JaniceKj  on  September 9, 2024

    I live 30 miles south of Brigham City in Utah. They celebrated Peach Days this last weekend and as expected, I’ve got canning and peach pie in my near future. I’ve also taken this week after Labor Day Weekend to refresh all my spices. Those pumpkin bakes can go flat with the old ones. I do love to bake with pumpkin, have some stews and tons of homemade everything this time of year.

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