What kind of grocery shopper are you?

When you go grocery shopping, you probably follow the same steps each time you go. Some people like to make lists and menu plans, others wing it and decide what to make by seeing what’s looking good in the produce and meat aisles. There are careful label readers who evaluate the nutritional value and others who never look at the labels. Some people view grocery shopping as a chore while others look forward to it. Even though there are many ways to shop, most grocery shoppers fall into three main categories, according to a recent study by the University of Antwerp.

Researchers there had people repeatedly choose products from two options, and analyzed the results. It showed that there were three kinds of shoppers: those who consistently chose the healthiest item, those who stuck with their favorite name brands, and those who purposely chose the unhealthiest option every time. It was the last group that had the researchers puzzled. Why would someone choose the least healthy food again and again?

They surmised that the answer was that healthy food has a reputation as being less tasty than less nutritious options. Since this study was conducted in a country where there is a “Nutri-Score” label applied to the front of each product, the shoppers felt that the options with the lowest grade would be the ones that tasted best. The Nutri-Score is a grade letter system that is supposed to take the guesswork out of how healthy any particular food item is. It turns out a lot of people think that the Nutri-Score is an inverse grade for how good something will taste.

The US doesn’t have a similar label; you have to read the fine print in the nutrition facts which are usually located on the back of the product. I wonder if having a grade letter on the front would change anyone’s habits stateside, but I suspect that the same results would ensue. I wish the article would have indicated the percentage of people who fall into each category, because I am curious about how many folks are always reaching for the junkiest, least healthy option. Judging by grocery store carts I see when I am at the supermarket, it’s a high number.

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  • hhw  on  August 8, 2024

    I am a Coeliac so am always reading the labels to make sure the recipe is safe. I am also a list writer always have a list with what we have run out of and what we fancy. I also buy spontaneously.. so I don’t fit into a single list.

  • Nancith  on  August 16, 2024

    I am a planner, so I make a list based on my weekly menu. Usually shop very healthily, but don’t avoid snacks altogether. Name-brand items are my preference, but I also look for bargains & what is on sale to stock-up.

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