Revel in these images

We try to find interesting cookbook and food-related articles for our Members to read here on the EYB blog, but sometimes reading just seems like too much work. Therefore, today we’re highlighting food photographs – no long story here; just gorgeous image after gorgeous image. The photographs are the winners of the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year awards, which “shine a light on food stories from around the globe through the world’s very best food photography.”

The awards were started in 2011 and are open to amateurs as well as professionals. Founder Caroline Kenyon says that the “mission is to show food stories from around the world: whether the beauty or the drama of food, feast or famine, weddings or food aid. Food is the great leveller, the great unifier and photography captures this so powerfully.” The winners of the 36 categories were announced by Andi Oliver in a ceremony in London on June 5. All the finalist images are displayed at the Mall Galleries, London from 5-9 June, as part of the first ever Plate! St James’s festival. Enjoy!

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  • Indio32  on  June 6, 2024

    Wow! What an amazing post thanks for finding and sharing!

  • MollyB  on  June 6, 2024

    Thanks for sharing this! I loved the wedding photos.

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