Books on Wine – Giveaway

Enter our worldwide giveaway to win a set of beautiful books devoted to wine: Wine and the White House: A History, Second Edition by Frederick J. Ryan, Jr. and The Great Atlas of Italian Wines by Allesandro Avataneo and Vittorio Manganelli.

Winner of twelve national and international awards, Wine and the White House is a comprehensive journey through the history of White House hospitality that explores every president’s experience of wine. Whether you’re a devotee of presidential history, a lover of wine, or both, this gorgeous book is sure to prove informative and entertaining.

The fully illustrated pages also feature memorable presidential toasts, menus from historic White House gatherings, a catalog of vintages served, and spectacular photography of the White House glassware collection. This new edition has been expanded to include entertaining during the Biden presidency.

Early presidents recognized the important function wine played in entertaining at the White House. While some appreciated and enjoyed wine, others considered it merely a ceremonial necessity. Still others campaigned to outlaw wine and banned it from the White House; their successors celebrated its return. More recently, all presidents, regardless of whether they enjoyed wine themselves, have used the White House as a venue to showcase the fine wines produced in the United States.

While I love to cook with wine, I’m not a “wine” person but I do love all things to do with history and the White House. This is a gorgeous book and I have spent hours traveling through the past, studying the photos of Presidents and other dignitaries as well as the stunning glassware used. There are profiles of the wine makers and copies of menus and toasts given – it is just a wonderful book to drink up (pun intended).

The Great Atlas of Italian Wines is a journey through Italy and the wine that is produced there. It tells of and illustrates the main denominations, region by region, with a description of the most widespread international grape varieties and the most important native Italian grape varieties. Maps combined with infographics describe the organoleptic characteristics of the wines of each area in a clear and immediate way.

Unique in terms of its narrative and scientific content and suitable for experts and curious people alike, the Great Atlas is an indispensable tool for wine lovers, a mine of well-organized information to keep on hand at all times. It is useful for travelling, studying, choosing a wine at a restaurant or wine bar, or creating your own wine cellar. The 1500 best producers are geolocated in the detailed maps, with a list of the 3000 wines most representative of Italian excellence, regardless of the vintage, resulting from years of cross-checks on the data from the main national and international guides and magazines from the sector.

The volume is completed with the stories of 300 wines that mark the past, present, and future of Italian wine, with wonderful reproductions of their labels.

Special thanks to the publisher for a copy of each of these titles in our promotion. Entry options include answering the following question in the comments section of this blog post.

Are you a connoisseur of wine or do you prefer to just cook with wine?

Please note that you must be logged into the Rafflecopter contest before posting or your entry won’t be counted. For more information on this process, please see our step-by-step help post. Once you log in and enter your member name you will be directed to the next entry option – the blog comment. After that, there are additional options that you can complete for more entries. Be sure to check your spam filters to receive our email notifications. Prizes can take up to 6 weeks to arrive from the publishers. If you are not already a Member, you can join at no cost. The contest ends at midnight on July 30th, 2024.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  • matag  on  June 4, 2024

    Drink it … cook with it !

  • LSanders  on  June 4, 2024


  • Shelley.b  on  June 4, 2024


  • mcrimmins  on  June 4, 2024

    I prefer to cook with wine. I have no clue about wine but I’m willing to learn!!!

  • ChefClaireFVS  on  June 4, 2024

    I am no connoisseur, but it is sure delicious…to drink and to cook with!

  • riley  on  June 5, 2024

    Love to have an occasional glass.

  • rkosully  on  June 5, 2024

    I don’t drink much wine, but I do like to use it for cooking.

  • dataentrytard  on  June 5, 2024

    I am a connoisseur of wine.

  • Ljhfike  on  June 5, 2024

    I don’t really drink much of anything so I just cook with it.

  • ravensfan  on  June 5, 2024

    I like cooking with it but I also like to drink it (though I am not at all a connoiseur)!

  • Laluzdelaluna  on  June 5, 2024

    I love a nice glass of wine with dinner!

  • Clive123  on  June 6, 2024

    Prefer to drink wine rather than cook with it
    But always happy to do both

  • hillsboroks  on  June 6, 2024

    I think I am a semi-connoisseur of wine living in a major wine producing region and love to cook with it too.

  • virjeania  on  June 7, 2024

    Cook with wine

  • oduong930  on  June 7, 2024


  • AnnaZed  on  June 8, 2024

    I wouldn’t call myself a connoisseur of wine, but I like both drinking it and cooking with it.

  • aesop57  on  June 10, 2024

    I am no wine connoisseur but I am willing to learn

  • Plumbobmummy  on  June 11, 2024

    A bit of both

  • Sand9  on  June 11, 2024

    Can’t say I really like wine but do like to cook with it x

  • Isis1981uk  on  June 11, 2024

    I prefer to cook with it.

  • lucymajor94  on  June 13, 2024


  • trudys_person  on  June 13, 2024

    I’m not a connoisseur, but I do enjoy wine! Occasionally some of it ends up in the pot …

  • IngridO  on  June 13, 2024

    A little bit in cooking, more into the drinking of wine

  • maggz19671  on  June 14, 2024

    I love both

    Wine is to be celebrated

  • Charlieemma  on  June 14, 2024

    I love to drink and cook with wine!

  • Roosta  on  June 14, 2024


  • debbiehb  on  June 15, 2024

    I’m a connoisseur and I like to cook with it too.

  • JenjiD  on  June 16, 2024

    connoisseur of wine

  • hnordhed  on  June 16, 2024

    Love to use wine with the occasional recipe, but more likely to just have a glass!

  • sarahteertzah  on  June 17, 2024

    I enjoy both drinking and cooking with wine, though I cannot fairly call myself a connoisseur!

  • betsyradelow  on  June 21, 2024

    All of the above

  • chris2468  on  June 22, 2024

    not a connoisseur but l do love a ‘thimbleful’ every now and again and again!

  • Lesevans6  on  June 24, 2024

    Drink it and Cook with it.

  • Karla123  on  June 26, 2024

    I love to drink and cook with wine.

  • dusksunset  on  June 27, 2024

    I know a good deal about wine, but also cook with it.

  • shessam1  on  June 27, 2024

    I just love red wine – in my cooking or on my lips. Mmmmm!

  • BMeyer  on  June 28, 2024


  • Pamyoungvb  on  June 28, 2024

    I like wine for both drinking and cooking! I also enjoy learning about it.

  • brfranco  on  June 28, 2024


  • marktiger69  on  June 30, 2024

    cook and drink it if you wouldnt drink it dont cook with it

  • Dendav  on  June 30, 2024

    Cook with it

  • AlyC  on  June 30, 2024

    I like the occasional glass of wine, especially when I have opened a bottle to cook with. Some for the pot, some for the chef!

  • a_lafortune  on  June 30, 2024

    may Lady Luck be kind I would love to win this prize !!

  • cmeiling  on  July 1, 2024

    I love pairing a good wine with a meal. The perfect combination is so satisfying!

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