Where does the ketchup go?

Some food disputes seem eternal: is a hot dog a sandwich, should chili have beans in it, are brownie centers better than brownie edges, and is cake superior to pie. Another one, and the subject of today’s discussion, whether ketchup should be stored in the refrigerator. The answer to that question depends on who you ask.

The UK branch of Kraft Heinz recently weighed in on the debate, stating that “FYI: Ketchup. goes. in. the. Fridge!!!.” However, just a few years ago, the brand was noncommittal in its advice, stating that they “recommended” that ketchup be stored in the fridge to “maintain product quality”. Hunts, another prominent ketchup maker, leaves it up the individual, saying it is “truly a matter of choice”.

People are split on their responses to the question, with about two-thirds opting for the fridge and a third sticking with room temperature storage. Advocates for the former say it keeps the product fresher and ensures that the ketchup doesn’t separate. Some fans of the latter method find the thought of chilled ketchup revolting while others appreciate the ease of having it easily at hand on the table or countertop.

Food safety experts generally recommend refrigerating ketchup, but most also felt that the risk of illness from using room temperature ketchup was low. Food scientist Dr. Donald Schaffner says “Condiments like ketchup are formulated with things like acid, salt, and added sugar, which all work as preservatives,” he said. “The reason a lot of food safety experts say to refrigerate ketchup is because they’re erring on the side of caution.” Another expert said that you’d almost have to try to get food poisoning from ketchup, saying that the chances were very low “unless you do something very foolish”. Since we don’t go through a lot of ketchup in our house, it says in the door of the refrigerator. Where do you store your ketchup?  

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  • rkosully  on  July 6, 2023

    We keep our ketchup in the refrigerator once it has been opened.

  • sanfrannative  on  July 7, 2023


  • FJT  on  July 7, 2023

    I do keep ketchup in the fridge alongside the HP sauce and Hellmans mayo … but I would only have the mayo in there if it were up to me … my husband insists on having it in the fridge!

  • bittrette  on  July 29, 2023

    If the shelves hadn’t fallen out of my fridge door, that’s where I would store the ketchup. As it is, it depends on how full my half-size refrigerator is. The ketchup normally goes in the body of the fridge, but if the fridge is crammed with other stuff I store the ketchup at room temperature.
    Safety isn’t my main concern with ketchup, but old ketchup turns dark red and and loses its flavor.
    I go through ketchup much faster now that I’ve learned to make oven fries in the toaster oven.

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