Dome cakes are the perfect timeline cleanse

Reading the news today seems to be a masochistic endeavor. Endless stories about shooting, shenanigans (if not outright crimes) by high-ranking government officials or former officials, weather disasters, and other gloomy stories dominate the headlines. Finding something uplifting to read becomes more difficult each day, which is why I eagerly clicked on the link to an article about the latest social media-fueled baking trend of highly-decorated dome-shaped cakes.

While the shape of these cakes is not new (think princess cake, scarlet empress, or baked Alaska), the decoration of these beauties sets them apart. From whimsical abstract designs to elaborate floral masterpieces, the styles vary depending on the creator. The article links to a few Instagram accounts you can follow so you can see more show-stopping cakes like the one pictured above from gigislittlekitchen.

One advantage of making these tall cakes is that there are no sharp corners to contend with when decorating. Those edges probably cause cake decorators more consternation than any gum paste lily or buttercream rose. Some bakers choose to use hemispherical pans to create these dome-shaped confections, while others build the cakes inside of a mold. Whichever process they choose, it’s the decorating that makes these cakes sensational. I say the world needs more dome-shaped cakes and fewer Teapot Dome-like scandals.

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One Comment

  • KevinSeattle  on  July 8, 2022

    I remember “Lady Baltimore Cakes” having a moment in the ’90s or early 2000s, and that was a quirky novelty cake if ever there was one.

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