April Fool’s food pranks

I have to admit, Serious Eats almost got me this year with their clever April Fool’s joke. They posted a link to a recipe for dry brined beans, complete with photo and convincing ‘Serious Eats-sounding’ text. It is very well done and I had to read a little ways before I was sure it was a joke. Good job, guys.

The other funny item I spied today was from King Arthur Baking. The text to the photo above was hilarious: “COMING SOON: Don’t miss out on the premier product of our spring line, Limited-Edition Multigrain Mittens. Don’t get caught in those old Gluten Gloves — Multigrain Mittens are the new fashion frontier! Available in both “Radiant Rye” and “Whimsical Wheat” (pictured here), these most fashionable mittens can be gently toasted for extra warmth or frozen for long-term storage.” They provided a link to their new “product” – that went straight to the Wikipedia entry for April Fools’ Day.

One item that I thought might be a joke in honor the day due to its headline (warning: NSFW) turned out to be a very real, and very negative, Eater review of Gordon Ramsay’s latest cooking show. The Eater review isn’t the only one that trashed ‘Gordon Ramsay’s Future Food Stars’, with The Guardian calling it an “underspiced cookery show” that is “tired, derivative, and pointless.” Ouch.

Did you read any food-related April Fool’s jokes today?

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One Comment

  • EmilyR  on  April 1, 2022

    Last year I gave my kiddos a bag of Brown-E’s for breakfast (literally a bag of upper and lowercase E’s written with brown sharpie on bits of paper). They were not pleased.

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