Starting the new year off sans meat

As the calendar turned from December to January, millions of people worldwide started working on their healthy-eating resolution for 2020. A growing trend in this vein is to eat a vegan diet for a month, a movement dubbed ‘Veganuary’. If you are new to veganism, this can be a daunting task. There are some resources you can use if Veganuary is part of your New Year’s resolutions, and one of the best is to follow Meera Sodha, The Guardian’s vegan columnist. She has developed a weekly meal plan to help guide you through the month.

Sodha has recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus ideas for snacks so you don’t fall off the ‘vagon’. In addition, she has tips to make the transition easier. For starters, she says, if you are pressed for time you should focus on dinner and make breakfast and lunch grab-and-go affairs with easy choices like cereal or hummus and pita.

In addition to meal planning ideas, the article contains links to many of Sodha’s excellent vegan recipes. You can find many of them in the EYB Library. Here is a small sampling of the 151 vegan recipes from Sodha that are available online (which itself is a small subset of all online vegan recipes, which number over 39,000):

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