Are you a kitchen pest?

When you are invited to someone’s house to enjoy a home-cooked meal, do you end up helping in the kitchen? Even when that ‘help’ is not solicited? When you notice something that you believe is wrong, do you try to correct the cook? If so, you are in good company. Jay Rayner confesses to being this type of kitchen pest. He says:

I want to be a relaxed, genial soul who knows that other people can cook and that I should just let them just get on with roasting the chicken or making the gravy and be thoroughly appreciative. But if I just happen to be walking through the kitchen and just happen to pass the stove and just happen to notice something isn’t quite as it should be – that, say, the gravy is a thin, translucent outrage – I can’t stop myself.


I can understand both sides of this situation. If you are an accomplished cook, it can be torture to sit back and say nothing when you notice a serious kitchen transgression. I admit to sneaking additional seasoning into a soup when the cook’s back was turned. On the other hand, when I’m helming the stove, the last thing I want is assistance. It is difficult for me to cede control to anyone, even (or perhaps especially) my husband. Are you a kitchen pest? Or are you content to let the disaster unfold and eat the results?

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  • sir_ken_g  on  September 15, 2019

    Guilty as charged. It is often painful to watch the wife cook.

  • hillsboroks  on  September 15, 2019

    I used to be more of a pest but I have been able to step back and wait to be asked for advice. After the way I learned to cook was from trying new things out and learning from my mistakes.

  • Rinshin  on  September 15, 2019

    I only help with sitting up the table, clearing, and cleaning. I would always ask first if help is needed, but if they say all under control, then I stay clear.

  • MarciK  on  September 16, 2019

    I will ask questions about what they are cooking and how, but I don’t take it upon myself to alter anything. I offer help of course. I’m pretty agreeable to what other people cook, whether it is particularly excellent or just mediocre, but it’s more important to me that I don’t insult someone by implying their cooking isn’t good enough by interfering where it’s not requested.

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