Featured Cookbooks & Recipes

Finding the best recipes amongst the millions online is not easy – but you don’t have to! The team here at Eat Your Books, searches for excerpts from indexed books and magazines and every week we bring you our latest finds. Every day recipes are added from the best blogs and websites.

As a member, you can also add your own favorite online recipes using the Bookmarklet. With EYB, you can have a searchable index of all your recipes in one place!

Happy cooking and baking everyone!

From magazines:

4 dessert pairings by Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough from the Aug/Sept issue
of indexed Fine Cooking Magazine

From UK books:

12 recipes from The Great British Bake Off: Celebrations 
by Linda Collister, Mary Berry, & Paul Hollywood

19 recipes from The Great British Bake Off: Big Book of Baking by Linda Collister
From AUS/NZ books:

35 recipes from The Australian Women’s Weekly Fast Fresh Vegetarian,
indexed by an EYB member

From Canadian books:

24 recipes from The Fondue Bible: The 200 Best Recipes by Ilana Simon,
indexed by an EYB member

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