Veganuary is back

Black bean tacos by Mark Bittman

You may have seen the term “Veganuary” popping up in your news feeds recently. The name was coined in 2013 by Matthew Glover and Jane Land, who wanted to highlight the terrible condition of many farmed animals as well as the impact that meat-eating has on people’s health and the environment. They chose January because of the natural focus people have on new beginnings and resolutions.

Vegetarianism and veganism have soared in popularity in recent years. Several of the top cookbooks on the EYB Best Cookbooks of 2014 and 2013 are vegetarian, a trend that shows no sign of slowing. Whether you want to take veganism for a spin or are just looking for new and interesting vegetable recipes, your options have never been better.

You can start at The Telegraph, which is featuring three vegan recipes from blogger Áine Carlin to kick off Veganuary. And naturally the EYB Library stands ready with over 18,000 vegan recipes including over 3,400 main dish entries for you to try. Here are some of the most popular vegan recipes in the Library, many of which are Member indexed:

Butternut squash baked risotto from
Chilli con veggie from Penguin Books New Zealand by Kerryann Dunlop
Jeweled couscous from Observer Food Monthly Magazine
Vegetarian chili from Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
Red lentil dal with cumin-fried onions and wilted spinach from The Meat Lover’s Meatless Cookbook
Farro salad with winter fruits, pistachios and ginger
from Food & Wine Magazine
Black bean tacos with tangy cabbage from VB6 by Mark Bittman (pictured at top)

Do you have plans to go vegan for Veganuary this year?

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  • BethNH  on  January 4, 2015

    Not a chance. I don't believe in cutting out entire categories of food from my diet. Although I love to cook and eat, I find that focusing too much on exactly what foods I'm eating (or not eating) leads to obsessive behavior.

  • MelKettle  on  January 4, 2015

    I will definitely be eating less meat this year but I have no plans to become vegan (or vegetarian).

  • ellabee  on  January 5, 2015

    For several years I've been eating less but better meat — pasture-raised chicken, lamb, pork, and beef from local farmers. Livestock is an integral part of healthy, self-sustaining small farms, which are the ones that raise and treat animals well, and preserve soil, water, skills, and local economies. I've been vegetarian at points in my life, and could comfortably go meatless if I chose. But veganism is too restrictive and ideological for me. Clearly, for many people, it's not.

  • ellabee  on  January 5, 2015

    But if going vegan is now a mass phenomenon, I want a ruling on how 'vegan' is pronounced. The coinage 'Veganuary' seems to assume that it's "veh-jan", which is how I pronounced it in my head back when I first encountered the term. But in the years since, everyone I've heard say it out loud says "vee-gan". I've seen cookbook titles involving bad puns on both pronunciations; maybe this is another US-UK division? Or maybe chaos reigns? The title of the "bible" of vegan cooking, Isa Chandra Moskowitz's Veganomicon, is compatible with either pronunciation. Feel free to weigh in here, vegan EYB-ers!

  • ellabee  on  January 5, 2015

    A quick review of search results seems to support the "chaos reigns" assessment. But one site that sounds authoritative asserts that the word's inventor meant for it to be "VEE-jan". Which they acknowledge is completely unintuitive.

  • darcie_b  on  January 5, 2015

    I've only ever heard it pronounced vee-gan, and several friends who practice it also pronounce it that way. I also have been cutting back on meat, sourcing from local/sustainable/ethical farmers as much as possible. I was a vegetarian years ago and could see doing it again, but you'll pry my cheese out of my cold, dead hands!

  • Megoola  on  January 5, 2015

    I generally eat meals free of animal products but I don't call myself a vegan. It sure would be easier if the plant-based books I have on my shelf would get indexed (hint hint)

    So what's next…..Meatober? 🙂

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