Featured Cookbooks & Recipes

Whether they are from cookbooks, magazines, or blogs, all the recipes we feature in these weekly round-ups have online links so you can add any of them to your Bookshelf. Even if you have a free membership! All free accounts have recently been upgraded, so everyone can now add an unlimited number of online recipes and blogs to their Bookshelf. With 74 indexed blogs & websites and more than 139,000 indexed online recipes in the EYB Library, this is a really great way to build your recipe collection.

As you browse this week’s featured recipes, make sure to add the ones you want to try and apply Bookmarks to keep them organized. Once you’ve tried a recipe, you can add a Note to remind yourself how the dish turned out and share your experience with the EYB community. Happy cooking and baking everyone! 

From UK books:

21 recipes from John Whaite Bakes at Home by the 2012 Great British Bake-Off winner

From AUS/NZ books:

7 recipes from French for Everyone by Manu Feildel

From US books:

3 recipes from IACP Book of the Year Stone Edge Farm Cookbook by John McReynolds, indexed by an EYB member

4 recipes from Preserving by the Pint: Quick Seasonal Canning for Small Spaces by Marisa McClellan
The author’s blog Food in Jars is indexed too!

21 recipes from The VB6 Cookbook by Mark Bittman
Enter our giveaway to win 1 of 5 copies

12 recipes from The Inspired Vegan: Seasonal Ingredients, Creative Recipes, Mouthwatering Menus by Bryant Terry, indexed by an EYB member

6 recipes from Sweet on Texas: Lovable Confections from the Lone Star State by Denise Gee, indexed by an EYB member

5 recipes from New England Home Cooking by Brooke Dojny, indexed by an EYB member


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