A cookbook so unique it has its own movie trailer

Historic Heston

It’s not often we get to quote from the Financial Times in this blog, but they have a intriguing interview with Heston Blumenthal about a new book he’s publishing in November. It actually can be considered an old-new book. Called Historic Heston, it’s a collection of British recipes from the Middle Ages to Victorian times. According to the FT, “What immediately struck him was the playfulness and theatricality involved in some of the dishes…’There were no sound systems, no TV, no computer games – this was the entertainment.’ Ostentation was an important part of sitting at the table.” 

But Blumenthal is not reproducing historical recipes. He is acknowledging a revitalization of British cooking, “It was the Industrial Revolution, he says, sweeping aside much of the country’s rural heritage, that started a long decline in cooking standards. “It is really only in the last five years that we have rediscovered a sense of pride in our food.” As such, he is adapting historical recipes – using them as a source of inspiration.

And to get an idea of the importance that Blumenthal and his publishers are putting on this book – it has both a very hefty price tag (Amazon currently has this book on pre-order for $120.00) and they’ve released a trailer – like a movie  trailer – dramatizing the book.  You can view the trailer here. In any event, the book should create a buzz – it will be interesting to see whether it also creates sales.

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  • veronicafrance  on  October 7, 2013

    It's either unique or it's not. There aren't degrees of uniqueness. Signed, a pedant ๐Ÿ™‚

  • enassar  on  October 8, 2013

    "Trailers" for books for high end chefs are becoming more common. Check out this one for Daniel Boulud's book coming out this month

  • Jane  on  October 9, 2013

    Thanks enasser – both videos can now be accessed from the book pages. Don't forget we now have a feature that allows you to view videos for recipes – click the Video Recipes filter. We will add a similar filter for books when we have enough linked. If anyone sees videos they think we should have on EYB, please email us at info@eatyourbooks.com and we will add them.

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