20 ways to use vegetable and fruit peels (besides composting)

 Orange peel

Over at Mother Nature, they’ve compiled 20 uses for leftover fruit and vegetable peels. And they haven’t restricted the categories, including general home and beauty uses besides food. Here are some of our favorites – check out the article for more food suggestions plus 4 beauty ideas and 4 home ideas:

Make citrus extract powder (which can then be added to salt, pepper, sugar): “Make zest or twists (lemons, limes, oranges or grapefruit) being sure to remove the pith and allow to dry, about three or four days for twists, less for zest. Put in a blender (or spice grinder) and pulverize into a powder. Store in a clean jar.

Keep brown sugar soft: If you regularly fall victim to the brick in the pantry known as hardened brown sugar, try adding some lemon peel (with traces of pulp and pith removed) to keep it moist and pliable.

Make potato crisps: Mix potato peels with enough lemon juice and olive oil to evenly coat. Spread the potato peels in a layer on a baking sheet and cook at 400 degrees, stirring once, until golden brown (about 10 minutes). Season to taste.”

Photo: fdecomite/flickr



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  • erincoop  on  July 8, 2013

    Use orange peels (or lemon or grapefruit) to make infused vodka. Place the peel of 2 oranges into 1 1-qrt mason jar and a 750ml bottle of vodka. Cover and allow to sit for 1 week. Remove peel. Enjoy infused vodka with soda water.

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