What to substitute for fresh lemon juice

Lemon juicer

The Kitchn has an excellent blog item today, Help! Is There a Good Substitute for Fresh Lemon Juice. We’re pretty sure our savvy members realize that fresh lemon juice is always the best choice but, let’s face it, we’ve all run out of lemons or couldn’t find them at one time or another. So this blog, which not only includes the Kitchn‘s ideas, but also several excellent suggestions from blog responders, is very useful. 

Among the suggestions are vinegars, acidic white wines, frozen orange juice concentrate, frozen lemonade concentrate, citrus powder. Plus a number of readers like Santa Cruz organic lemon juice. You can check out the ideas here — and having solved that problem, take a look at our previous blog, Revel in Lemons, for great ways to use lemons more often.

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