Danny Loves Pasta – Cookbook Giveaway

Enter our worldwide contest to win one of two copies of Danny Loves Pasta by Danny Freeman.

Danny Freeman is the Italian-American creator behind the popular TikTok and Instagram accounts @DannyLovesPasta, where he’s known for making colorful and eye-catching fresh pasta. His YouTube following is impressive as well!

His debut cookbook Danny Loves Pasta is a vibrant explosion of all things pasta. He begins with creating pasta dough (using various techniques such as food processor dough (and of course by hand) as well as covering vegan and gluten-free versions. All types of gorgeous shapes, colors and flavors are shared in this stunning book as well as a myriad of sauces and ravioli fillings.

Our takes you inside this beautiful book to give you a picture of the content and features the following

Another recipe from this title is available online: Mini lasagna cups which I have indexed and added to our Library.

I love this book so much I personally bought two extra copies to do a worldwide giveaway for our Members.

Entry options include answering the following question in the comments section of this blog post.

Have you made your own homemade pasta before?

Please note that you must be logged into the Rafflecopter contest before posting or your entry won’t be counted. For more information on this process, please see our step-by-step help post. Once you log in and enter your member name you will be directed to the next entry option – the blog comment. After that, there are additional options that you can complete for more entries. Be sure to check your spam filters to receive our email notifications. Prizes can take up to 6 weeks to arrive from the publishers. If you are not already a Member, you can join at no cost. The contest ends at midnight on March 31st, 2024.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  • Jillyb3  on  January 25, 2024

    I have but not very often. It’s definitely worth the effort though!

  • ravensfan  on  January 25, 2024

    I have never made homemade pasta but would like to try!

  • sarahawker  on  January 25, 2024

    Yes I’ve made it before.

  • lean1  on  January 25, 2024

    Yes many times and it’s hard work!

  • matag  on  January 25, 2024


  • dataentrytard  on  January 25, 2024

    I have not but would like to try.

  • GreenhouseCheryl  on  January 25, 2024

    I have made my own pasta before, but simple raviolis or spaghetti. Love to make other pasta shapes and types.

  • paladineh  on  January 25, 2024

    Yes, and it’s delicious!

  • et12  on  January 26, 2024

    I have

  • ozfoodie  on  January 26, 2024

    Yes, once, and let’s just say I need more practice!

  • NatalyaM  on  January 26, 2024

    I’ve made pierogi dough, does that count??

  • Marnewein  on  January 26, 2024

    Never, but would love to check it out.

  • jluvs2bake  on  January 26, 2024

    Yes, I’ve made many kinds of homemade pasta!

  • riley  on  January 26, 2024


  • Arashi  on  January 27, 2024

    I would enjoy making pasta.

  • CourtneyT  on  January 28, 2024


  • rmpostonmfandt  on  January 29, 2024

    I used to years ago but with all these colors and techniques I think I’d have to start again!

  • CatTheCook  on  January 29, 2024

    I have, it’s definitely worth the extra effort

  • luccio  on  January 29, 2024

    Well…I bought a pasta machine, used it once & my husband “packed it away” (not in our house) & it has never been seen since. Have just – finally – bought another (he doesn’t know yet…) & am very keen to try it!

  • skvalentine  on  January 29, 2024

    I have made pasta couple of times in the distant past– would love to try again!

  • roxlet  on  January 29, 2024

    Homemade pasta is great! Recently made lasagna with homemade pasta sheets.

  • tucsonsandy  on  January 29, 2024


  • JenjiD  on  January 29, 2024

    Yes, lasagna noodles

  • Magspags  on  January 29, 2024

    Yes, many times and love it!

  • elschneider  on  January 29, 2024

    yes I have made pasta

  • Ren23  on  January 29, 2024


  • BMeyer  on  January 29, 2024

    Yes we’ve made it before a couple of times

  • soffner  on  January 29, 2024

    I tried to make pasta once and made a mess. I do want to try again.

  • rkosully  on  January 30, 2024

    I have never made homemade pasta, but I would love to try!

  • virjeania  on  January 30, 2024

    No I have never made homemade pasta

  • LaurenE  on  January 30, 2024

    I’ve done it once only

  • Babycarrot  on  January 30, 2024

    Never have made it before – it’s on my to-try list!

  • foodie16  on  January 30, 2024

    I have once. It took me a long time and the shapes were not uniform, but I had great fun and it was delicious.

  • Roosta  on  January 30, 2024

    I have made it but not regularly.

  • maci234  on  January 30, 2024

    Yes many times

  • Charlieemma  on  January 31, 2024

    I never have!

  • Sand9  on  January 31, 2024

    No, but would like too x

  • Plumbobmummy  on  January 31, 2024

    Yes, I love homemade

  • hmm5226  on  January 31, 2024

    I have, I love to make my own cannelloni from scratch

  • Emmormous  on  January 31, 2024

    No, not yet

  • Franki  on  January 31, 2024

    Yes but struggle with GF pasta

  • sayeater  on  January 31, 2024

    I bought a Marcato Atlas pasta maker and attachments for my KitchenAid but that’s as far as I got LOL.

  • bopper  on  January 31, 2024

    have never done it though would love to give it a go

  • brigs03  on  January 31, 2024


  • prettypistol  on  February 1, 2024

    I haven’t

  • Dendav  on  February 1, 2024


  • marktiger69  on  February 1, 2024

    Yes but wasnt easy

  • AlyC  on  February 1, 2024

    I’ve only made it one time.

  • wildchild  on  February 1, 2024

    No as I find fresh pasta too soft

  • CompsAlex  on  February 1, 2024

    Never made before.

  • PadBrat1  on  February 1, 2024

    No would love to try to

  • banba1  on  February 2, 2024

    I have made homemade pasta before, but it’s been far too long!

  • mhandakas  on  February 2, 2024

    Making pasta for dinner is not a Tuesday night activity for people who have to get up and go to work the next morning. But if you have a partner – spouse, neighbor, good friend, grandchild – it’s a great way to spend an afternoon. I’ve made pasta with my child, and look forward to doing so with my grandson.

  • agreaves19  on  February 3, 2024

    My son made it at school

  • oduong930  on  February 3, 2024


  • michelle666  on  February 4, 2024

    I haven’t but would love to try one day

  • lucymajor94  on  February 4, 2024

    Yes I have tried it once or twice!

  • stepspior  on  February 5, 2024

    All the time Ravioli various pasta Spinach lasagna, fettuccine the as t I added basil to when pressing

  • janv  on  February 5, 2024

    Yes, I have

  • reader1trees  on  February 6, 2024

    Yes and it was great fun shaping the ravioli and tortellini, they froze well too.

  • ToPieFor  on  February 6, 2024

    No, not yet.

  • t.t  on  February 7, 2024

    A friend tried to teach me once before, but I’d love to get better at it.

  • betsyradelow  on  February 7, 2024

    Yes, but never seem to get it just right.

  • awesomepossum  on  February 9, 2024

    It was my New Year’s resolution to make pasta this year, so this cookbook is perfect for my first attempts! Not sure how I feel about the colored pasta, but it would be fun to try!

  • dusksunset  on  February 9, 2024

    sort of. couldn’t figure out how to get the machnie to make it thin enoug.

  • trudys_person  on  February 10, 2024

    I have made my own pasta, but probably 30 years ago! I should get out the pasta machine and give it a go …

  • JEWGAL777  on  February 10, 2024

    Once or twice.

  • maria411  on  February 11, 2024

    I haven’t but would definitely like to try

  • clairew137  on  February 11, 2024

    No but would like to.

  • Spud13  on  February 11, 2024

    Yes, but not for a long time. I still need to perfect getting it think enough!

  • munki  on  February 11, 2024

    I have! Gnocchi too!

  • sarahteertzah  on  February 12, 2024

    Yes, but just once!

  • TBipp  on  February 12, 2024

    Yes, I have made it and also gnocchi!

  • Metteeeeee  on  February 13, 2024

    I have, but only 2 times, one time was tagliatelle and the other was raviolli

  • ChicagoJen  on  February 14, 2024

    Made pasta – yes.

    Made pasta super successfully…? not

  • Shelley.b  on  February 16, 2024

    yes but it has been years

  • maggz19671  on  February 16, 2024

    I haven’t made home made pasta before

  • LeMinou  on  February 17, 2024


  • silversand  on  February 18, 2024

    I’ve never made pasta before. It’s something I have always wanted to try and keep thinking I’ll get round to one day but not quite managed it yet!

  • CatsintheKitchen  on  February 18, 2024

    Yes, but I don’t have a pasta maker and frequently make gnocchi.

  • v.t  on  February 18, 2024

    no but have always wanted to

  • teamkies  on  February 19, 2024

    Yes! I have fond memories of making homemade pasta.

  • Norine  on  February 20, 2024

    I make sourdough pasta — spaghetti and fettucini

  • ceejayen  on  February 21, 2024

    I love to make homemade pasta

  • Maryd8822  on  February 21, 2024


  • Karla123  on  February 22, 2024

    Yes, I’ve made homemade fettuccine noodles.

  • dzm  on  February 26, 2024

    No, I have never made homemade pasta

  • skyejaden  on  February 27, 2024

    I have made it but definitely want to know more!

  • EmilyR  on  February 27, 2024

    yes… just this week

  • GillB  on  February 28, 2024

    A couple of times

  • Tabby72  on  February 29, 2024

    Just once!

  • Laura1  on  February 29, 2024

    not yet

  • debbiehb  on  March 1, 2024

    I have not made my own past

  • Jhutton  on  March 2, 2024


  • Lesevans6  on  March 5, 2024


  • elysedc  on  March 6, 2024

    I’ve never made homemade pasta!

  • acecil  on  March 7, 2024


  • Neet181  on  March 7, 2024

    No I haven’t… always looks good when I see it made on tv

  • nocona  on  March 12, 2024

    never but I would like to!

  • lollipop123  on  March 12, 2024

    Never made homemade pasta before but it’s definitely on my list to do as I LOVE pasta!

  • bmorris4434  on  March 12, 2024

    No but I’d love to try

  • elisabeta  on  March 13, 2024

    I have

  • denise21  on  March 13, 2024

    No but I’d like to give it a go

  • RSW  on  March 13, 2024

    yes I have.

  • beckyboas  on  March 13, 2024


  • sheridarby  on  March 13, 2024

    No I have never tried

  • ryan2032  on  March 13, 2024

    Never but would love to give it a go.

  • Jbdeals22  on  March 13, 2024

    Only once! I’d love to give it another try!

  • CitrusDreams  on  March 13, 2024

    No, I’ve never made homemade pasta.

  • SHORTMAN  on  March 13, 2024


  • zeeenie  on  March 14, 2024

    yes, once

  • Beasste99  on  March 14, 2024

    No I haven’t made homemade pasta but it’s something I would like to do one day

  • ckelly2304  on  March 14, 2024

    I haven’t but would love to try!

  • mumliz  on  March 14, 2024

    never have

  • DimensionAEB  on  March 14, 2024

    No I have never made homemade pasta before.

  • janinex  on  March 14, 2024

    It’s always on my to-do list, but never get around to it. I need to make a must-do list and might just get there if I win this great giveaway

  • nats7  on  March 14, 2024

    No never, but I’m keen to learn.

  • JohnWalker  on  March 14, 2024

    I tried making some a long time ago, but it didn’t go well.

  • SarahsSpace7  on  March 14, 2024

    I’ve never made pasta from scratch but think it’d be fun to try one day! Love trying out new pasta recipes though

  • ClaireHamilton  on  March 14, 2024

    No I haven’t tried to make it myself.

  • orchidlady01  on  March 14, 2024

    I have not made homemade pasta but I want to try!

  • Twiddle  on  March 14, 2024

    No I have never tried to make my own pasta before but would love to!

  • PatBarrett  on  March 15, 2024

    Yes I make home made pasta from time to time.

  • tammyf  on  March 15, 2024

    Yes – can take a lot of time but is worth it. So much better than shop bought!

  • cuaileanruadh  on  March 15, 2024

    I love making homemade pasta, it was my lockdown project and showed me how satisfying and easy it could be!

  • Coffeewithsugar  on  March 15, 2024

    Yes I have, but not often enough! I think it will be on this week’s menu 🙂

  • Jacquid  on  March 16, 2024

    Love making pasta especially filled varieties

  • abcdefghijk  on  March 16, 2024

    Not yet

  • Lora724  on  March 16, 2024

    I have made it twice, it’s been lots of years ago.

  • hibeez  on  March 17, 2024

    yes, I have made my own pasta and its super easy using the food processor and the kitchen aid pasta roller. Can get it done in around 30 min.

  • ktrum7  on  March 19, 2024

    Yes! I love making homemade pasta

  • Isis1981uk  on  March 25, 2024

    Not yet!

  • gstaff  on  March 25, 2024

    never tried but probably should

  • PhillipJD  on  March 26, 2024


  • Leonard5854  on  March 28, 2024

    Yes, many times, but I’m always looking for new ideas.

  • balaaaaa  on  March 29, 2024

    no, thats why I would like to follow the recipe in this cookbook and try 🙂

  • SalsaSister  on  March 29, 2024

    Who doesn’t love pasta?

  • cnew111  on  April 2, 2024

    I have never made homemade pasta, but would like to try!

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