A toast to toast

A piece of quality bread can be enjoyed on its own, but it’s even better when toasted (there, I said it). Slathering the toast with salted butter elevates it yet again and it can become sublime with additional toppings. Toast topping is the subject of a recent Guardian Kitchen Aide column by Anna Berrill, which expounds on what chefs think are the best things put on top of toast.

Soft egg and Persian cucumber on toast from The Guardian Feast supplement by Anna Jones

Melted, bubbling cheese ranks high on the list, with chef Patrick Williams suggesting that South African braaibroodjie, which features cheese, tomatoes, and chutney, being an ideal to strive for. Tomatoes also feature in Theo Randall’s suggestion, although he takes it in a different direction with garlic, slow roasted tomatoes, basil, olive oil and burrata. Sign me up for that.

Fish – either fresh or from a tin – is another popular idea, with Jeremy Lee offering fried fresh sardines paired with blistered spring onions and a fried egg. Turning to the sweet side of the kitchen, Dom Fernando prefers a homemade cashew butter, but in a pinch cinnamon and sugar will suffice “Blend a little cinnamon and sugar, and sprinkle on buttered toast. That’s almost French toast without the effort of actually making it,” he says.

None of the chefs polled mentioned the ubiquitous avocado, although it remains a perennial favorite. I’m a fan of homemade jams and preserves because it feels special to have created something from scratch to smear on a slice of (preferably also homemade) quality toast. If you have can’t fail toast toppings, please share your best ideas.

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  • Jane  on  September 12, 2024

    My favorite weekend brunch on toast is Diana Henry’s Greens with chilli, olive oil, eggs and seeds from Simple. When I don’t have greens then it’s just poached eggs on toast with truffle everything bagel seasoning.

  • tmjellicoe  on  September 14, 2024

    My current favourite is toast with hummus with a sprinkling of sumac, and a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes (cut up small). Fresh dill if I have it finishes it.

  • goodfruit  on  September 14, 2024

    During a heatwave this summer I started making Rancho Gordo’s Tuscan Bean Salad recipe. I feel in love with toasting sourdough bread, mashing some Tuscan Bean Salad on top with just enough mayo on top to hold it all together.
    Now I have made the Tuscan Bean Salad with Mayocoba Beans, Marcella Beans and Caballero Beans. I have made it with tuna, one time I ran out of tuna and made it with canned salmon. All of them are good to spread on toast!

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