One Bake, Two Ways Cookbook Promotion with Quick Bites with Ruby Bhogal

Enter our US/CA/UK giveaway to win one of three copies of One Bake, Two Ways: Fifty Bakes with an All-plant Option Every Time by Ruby Bhogal.


One Bake, Two Ways: Fifty Bakes with an All-plant Option Every Time by Ruby Bhogal delights us with a flexible approach to baking tasty, sweet treats that give you double helpings of temptation. She brings us 50 like-for-like recipes, with a plant-based and non-plant-based version for each bake. With adaptability galore and flavors that offer twice the delight, dive into Ruby’s world of baking and savor the best of both worlds.

This is an ideal cookbook for bakers who create desserts for family and friends – who may have dietary restrictions. Having everything in one book is helpful.

Our takes you inside this beautiful book and features the following :

Ruby took some time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions for our Members!

Ruby was a finalist in the 9th series of The Great British Bake Off. Ruby is a project manager in London and has written columns for GQ, The Luxury Lifestyle Magazine and GoodHomes. She re-competed for the 2020 Bake Off Christmas,

Q: What first triggered your interest in cooking? 

Growing up in an Indian household, I have been surrounded by incredible food and spices from an early age. It was very much all about vegetable curries, butter slathered naan, samosas and pakoras and learnt a lot about Indian cooking as I grew up. As someone with an insatiable appetite, I was never far from my mum’s side, sneaking a taste straight from the pan whenever I could but it was only until later in life, at the age of 28, where I found myself in a period of unemployment which first sparked my interest and enthusiasm for baking. Turns out when you are unemployed with no job prospects on the horizon, you have plenty of time to bake 5-hour breads, stacked cakes and croissants from scratch.

Q: If you had to describe your cooking style, what would it be? What types of recipes will we find in your new book?

My cooking style is very relaxed and easy going. My baking style on the other hand is probably a lot more particular, heavy handed and intense. I am very much someone who is over-optimistic every time it comes to baking something new but that is mostly down to excitement and the sheer possibility of deliciousness I have yet to experience. That being said, I really wanted to create a baking book that was similar to the first baking book which I used like a bible. Not in terms of what was included but in terms of how often I used it, how much I referred to it and how it taught me the foundations of what I now know. The tone is very casual but descriptive, my approach is incredibly relaxed and easygoing and I very much encourage you finding your feet with the recipes and mix and matching them as you go along. Doodle, make notes, write what you like and don’t like in the book. Those recipes are very much mine but they are very much yours to your own.

Q: Are you a cookbook collector? If so, tell us about your collection?

I have a staggering amount of cookbooks adoring every shelf, corner and table in my house. I even have an ottoman bed which uses the storage as a book nook (shh, don’t tell my partner) as I promised to not buy anymore. A repeat offending author you’ll find in my collection is Ottolenghi – and I mean that in the best way possible. I won’t even check to see what recipes are in it, if his name is on it, it’s getting purchased. ‘Sweet’ is one of my all-time faves as I adore the recipes in there and the memories that book holds. I purchased it before I went onto ‘Bake Off’ as a ‘congrats, you did it!’ kind of present and I remember just fawning over everything in it, hoping to one day be able to make something half as pretty as Yotam and his team does.

Q: What is the best part of your job? Do you sometimes feel like working with food all day keeps you from wanting to get creative in the kitchen?

Best part of my job is the eating FOR SURE. I don’t shy away from making mistakes because how else are you going to learn? I definitely feel that I have developed immensely from my time on Bake Off and I am wholeheartedly proud and confident of the baker I now am – but that has only come from time, experience and a whole lot of ‘failures.’ I say failures but each mistake is just a lesson in what to do better next time – plus nothing is really a failure if you drown it in custard. That thing would make even a rubber boot edible in my eyes. Being in the kitchen all day testing, developing and filming recipes does mean that a lot of the time I don’t fancy whipping up something fancy for dinner in the evenings so I am definitely a ‘whatever is in the fridge slapped between two slices of bread’ sorta gal.

Q: What is your go to for a quick dinner – quick dessert?

My go to for a quick dessert is whatever is lurking in the freezer. I am a big advocate for freezing bakes and any leftovers to ensure your hard work never goes to waste. I have slices of cake that have been in there for a few months that are ready to go whenever anyone pops round unexpectedly and my emergency cookie stash in the freezer is always well stocked. One of those in the oven for 14 minutes and I have a perfect ooey gooey cookie to satisfy those cravings. Alternatively, a little bit of whipping cream with vanilla, topped with some seasonal stewed fruit and a crumbled biscuit on top is another easy, speedy option.

Q: Tell us about this cookbook or any future projects you are working on?

One Bake Two Ways has truly been my life for the last two years. It’s been five years since I completed Bake Off and I wanted to take my time in developing my own voice and style within the Food Industry, not wanting to be just another book gathering dust on someone’s shelf. I’ve researched, bought plenty of books, understood market trends and where consumerism is moving to and I know people are after…everything. They want something that will do it all and I hope that is what my book will do. Whatever way you swing on the dietary fence, I am confident One Bake Two Ways will satisfy every sweet tooth, irrespective whether you eat dairy or are plant based. I wanted a book I saw myself in. Someone who wants the choice, someone who won’t commit to either side and someone who wants to be able to cater for all whenever they come round. Whether my plant-based sister comes for dinner, or my dairy-loving friend pops over for a chat, I’ll have a recipe for most in my new baking bible.

As for future projects, I have a few fun things in the pipeline including joining the team at All Things Butter, a British-based dairy company disrupting an established market with new, flavoured butters. A lot of fun and a lot of yum!

Be sure to follow Ruby on Instagram and Tiktok

Special thanks to the US publisher for providing two copies of this title in our promotion open to US/CA Members and to the UK publisher for offering one UK Member a copy. Entry options include answering the following question in the comments section of this blog post.

Which recipe in the index would you like to try first?

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  • Kristjudy  on  September 4, 2024

    Lemon drizzle with custard

  • matag  on  September 4, 2024

    Coconut cake with whipped ricotta and mango cream!!!

  • Alleycat  on  September 4, 2024

    Sticky Jamaican Ginger Cake

  • demomcook  on  September 4, 2024

    Plant-based salted caramel Basque cheesecake with raspberries and pistachios

  • miggsy  on  September 4, 2024

    Coconut cake with whipped ricotta and mango cream

  • dataentrytard  on  September 5, 2024

    I would like to first try the plant-based coconut cake with whipped ricotta and mango cream.

  • aesop57  on  September 5, 2024

    Sticky Jamaican Ginger Cake

  • maci234  on  September 5, 2024

    Sticky Jamaican Ginger Cake

  • Plumbobmummy  on  September 5, 2024

    Spiced carrot cake with orange cream cheese frosting

  • rkosully  on  September 5, 2024

    I would first like to make the plant-based spiced carrot cake with orange cream cheese frosting.

  • Jillyb3  on  September 5, 2024

    Chai custard creams
    But it was so hard to pick! There are some very yummy sounding things in this book.

  • rchesser  on  September 5, 2024

    Cardamom and raspberry cake with white chocolate and pistachio.

  • sarahawker  on  September 5, 2024

    Banoffee monkey bread with salted peanuts and butterscotch sauce

  • lean1  on  September 5, 2024

    Nutella stuffed buscuits

  • elysedc  on  September 6, 2024

    ok I’ve been following along with Ruby since her time on bake off, and if the Chocolate fudge cake with milk chocolate fudge frosting is anything like her Bruce Bogtrotter cake…i’m FULLY in

  • ravensfan  on  September 6, 2024

    Coconut cake with whipped ricotta and mango cream

  • tucsonsandy  on  September 6, 2024

    Basque cheesecake

  • Isis1981uk  on  September 6, 2024

    Coconut cake with whipped ricotta and mango cream

  • reader1trees  on  September 6, 2024

    Passion fruit curd

  • ammerlino  on  September 6, 2024

    I would like to make the carrot cake

  • chris2468  on  September 7, 2024

    Nutella stuffed biscuits

  • Sand9  on  September 7, 2024

    Lemon curd

  • Jow  on  September 7, 2024

    I’d make the Nutella stuffed biscuits

  • virjeania  on  September 7, 2024

    Chocolate fudge cake with milk chocolate fudge frosting

  • redcurrant  on  September 7, 2024

    Plant-based cardamom and raspberry cake with white chocolate and pistachio

  • BMeyer  on  September 7, 2024

    passion fruit curd

  • RSW  on  September 8, 2024

    Spiced carrot cake with orange cream cheese frosting

  • CLX  on  September 8, 2024

    Malt choc-nut babka with streusel top..both versions, side by side. Love this concept as started baking for new vegan friends

  • LaurenE  on  September 8, 2024

    Sticky Jamaican Ginger Cake

  • Foodycat  on  September 9, 2024

    Salted caramel doughnuts! How divine.

  • darty  on  September 9, 2024

    All these recipes look fantastic, but I’d start with the mouthwatering plant-based sticky Jamaican ginger cake with butterscotch sauce and orange cream. Yum!!

  • PumpkinTravels  on  September 10, 2024

    Spiced carrot cake with orange cream cheese frosting

  • oduong930  on  September 10, 2024

    lemon drizzle with custard

  • sarahteertzah  on  September 11, 2024

    Banana, chocolate and butterscotch sheet cake with whipped coconut cream and ginger crumbs

  • GreenhouseCheryl  on  September 11, 2024

    Plant-based sticky Jamaican ginger cake with butterscotch sauce and orange cream

  • ChefClaireFVS  on  September 11, 2024

    Cardamom and Raspberry cake!! Sounds so good!

  • cookingbychapter  on  September 12, 2024

    lemon drizzle

  • Itzbaja  on  September 12, 2024

    Passion fruit curd!!

  • Shelley.b  on  September 12, 2024

    Spiced carrot cake with orange cream cheese frosting

  • elschneider  on  September 12, 2024

    Self-saucing sticky toffee pudding sheet cake with stem ginger and chocolate

  • sayeater  on  September 13, 2024

    I absolutely adore the premise of this book. I lean plant-based so love having that option presented in each recipe. This book is going right on my wishlist. First bake might be the Plant-based sticky Jamaican ginger cake with butterscotch sauce and orange cream.

  • banba1  on  September 13, 2024

    Plant-based chocolate fudge cake with milk chocolate fudge frosting

  • Babycarrot  on  September 16, 2024

    Peach and Amaretto cheesecake with pistachio kataifi

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