On being a restless cook

As I scrolled through my Twitter feed today, I came across a post about salt-cured egg yolks. "That reminds me," I said to myself, "I think I have one of those sitting in the back of the refrigerator." After a brief rummage through the bottom shelf, I spied the prize: a small glass prep bowl containing a heap of kosher… read more

Weligama by Emily Dobbs

Global cuisine brings the four corners of the world to my kitchen. The flavors and spices of Asian and Indian food are my weakness and I could cook and eat this food every day and sometimes go for stretches re-creating dishes. Like binge watching a television show, I'll binge cook Vietnamese or Thai.  Sri Lankan food provides a lively and… read more

Featured Cookbooks & Recipes

Did you know adding online recipes to your EYB Bookshelf is a really great way to build your personal recipe collection?  You can do this even if you have a free membership!  Try it out now and see how easy it is. Browse the recipes below, choose one that appeals, click on the link, and add it to your Bookshelf.… read more

How to cook any type of grain

  The number of grains that available to cooks today is staggering. You can find everything from quinoa to farro to barley in almost any supermarket, and it's easier than ever to come by lesser known items like amaranth or millet. Along with this great variety of options comes a confusing array of cooking times and liquid volume. Indexed magazine… read more
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