A new name revives interest in an old kitchen staple

Bone broth

One of the most popular food trends of late is bone broth. Chefs and bloggers tout it as a superfood with a long list of health benefits ranging from treating arthritis to healing dry skin. Ten cookbooks in the EYB Library contain the term “bone broth” in the title, and all are less than two years old save one, which only dates back to 2014.

While bone broth proponents advertise it as a new concept, in truth it is almost as old as cooking itself. Basic bone broth consists of bones and water, with the option to add vegetables and herbs for flavor and nutrition. As Noelle Carter explains, that “sounds an awful lot like stock, the lowly kitchen staple.” Michael Ruhlman agrees, calling the label of bone broth a ‘marketing device’. “There’s no difference between bone broth and stock, and I’d like to talk to anyone who says otherwise, period.”

Of course, getting people interested in making stock is a noble cause. If it takes a new name to make it appeal to a new generation of cooks, so be it. The corresponding rise in electric pressure cookers and multi-function units like the Instant Pot make it easier than ever to make your own stock bone broth. Of course, you don’t need any fancy gadget to make it; a soup pot of any variety and a little patience does the job just fine.

Photo of Basic bone broth from GFF (Gluten-Free Forever) Magazine by Maren Caruso

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  • VRickard  on  March 8, 2017

    I have an old copy of Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management (1915) which belonged to my grandmother. On p. 142 there is a recipe for Beef Broth, and one for Chicken Broth. The beef broth has to start with a good beef stock, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 1/2 a cabbage, butter, 1 dinner roll, parsley, pepper, salt and nutmeg to season. (The dinner roll is baked to golden brown and the broth poured over in the soup bowl.) I sounds like a lot of work, but bouillon cubes or powder just never taste the same.
    The problem with calling a broth "Bone Broth" is that it doesn't distinguish which bones the broth comes from!

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