Take your cheese platter to the next level

 Lilith Spencer cheese platter

If you entertain even a little bit, you have probably assembled a cheese plate or two. However, you might not have put together a cheese board quite like those from award-winning cheesemonger Lilith Spencer. I’ve never seen any platters as jaw-droppingly gorgeous as the ones posted in a recent article on the Saveur website about Spencer’s work.

Spencer recently took home first prize at the world-renowned San Francisco Cheesemonger Invitational. While you may not have access to all of the cheeses that she has at her disposal, by following her advice you can greatly improve your own platters. In addition to much-appreciated design tips, Spencer’s advice also covers serving and pairing. 

She suggests following the advice of a trusted cheesemonger to find cheese that complement each other as well as match your event, guests, and other food and drinks that you will be serving. Most stores with a decent cheese selection will have an expert that can provide excellent suggestions. Another tip is that you shouldn’t serve your platter straight out of the refrigerator. Letting the cheese warm up a bit before serving will help the flavors shine. 

The photo above is from Spencer’s  Instagram account. As you can see, she links to several other Instagram accounts for the cheeses depicted on her trays. More stunning platters accompany the Saveur article. 

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