Featured Cookbooks & Recipes

Finding the best recipes amongst the millions online is not easy – but you don’t have to! The team here at Eat Your Books, searches for excerpts from indexed books and magazines and every week we bring you our latest finds. Every day recipes are added from the best blogs and websites.

As a member, you can also add your own favorite online recipes  using the Bookmarklet. With EYB, you can have a searchable index of all your recipes in one place!

Happy cooking and baking everyone!


From websites:

Blood Orange Olive Oil Cake from indexed The Kitchn



From AUS/NZ books:

5 recipes from Lamingtons & Lemon Tart: Best-Ever Cakes, Desserts and Treats from a Modern Sweets Maestro by Darren Purchese



From UK books:

5 recipes from Vegetables by Antonio Carluccio, indexed by an EYB member



From US books:

5 recipes from Italian Street Food: Recipes from Italy’s Bars and Hidden Laneways by Paola Bacchia

Enter our Italian Street Food giveaway! (US, UK, & AUS only)


10 recipes from Butter Celebrates!: A Year of Sweet Recipes to Share with Family and Friends by Rosie Daykin, indexed by an EYB member (First published in Canada)

Enter our Butter Celebrates! giveaway (US only)


3 recipes from Victuals: An Appalachian Journey, with Recipes by Ronni Lundy


5 recipes from United Tastes of Texas: Authentic Recipes from All Corners of the Lone Star State by Jessica Dupuy, indexed by an EYB member


5 recipes from Fermented Vegetables: Creative Recipes for Fermenting 64 Vegetables & Herbs in Krauts, Kimchis, Brined Pickles, Chutneys, Relishes & Pastes by Kristen & Christopher Shockey


9 recipes from The CSA Cookbook: No-Waste Recipes for Cooking Your Way Through a Community Supported Agriculture Box, Farmers’ Market, or Backyard Bounty by Linda Ly, indexed by an EYB member


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