Featured Cookbooks & Recipes

Did you know adding online recipes to your EYB Bookshelf is a really great way to build your personal recipe collection? You can now do this even if you have a free membership!

Try it out now and see how easy it is. Browse the recipes below, choose one that appeals, click on the link, and add it to your Bookshelf. (Make sure that you are signed in first.)

All the recipes we feature in these weekly round-ups have online links so you can add any of them to your Bookshelf. Happy cooking & baking everyone!
From UK books:

24 recipes from Magic Soup: Food for Health and Happiness by Nicole Pisani & Kate Adams

From US books:

5 recipes from In a French Kitchen: Tales and Traditions of Everyday Home Cooking in France by Susan Herrmann Loomis
Enter our giveaway (US only — Ends Sept 2nd)

3 recipes from Preserving the Japanese Way: Traditions of Salting, Fermenting, and Pickling for the Modern Kitchen by Nancy Singleton Hachisu
Enter our giveaway (US/Canada only — Ends Sept 8th)

43 recipes from The Picnic: Recipes and Inspiration from Basket to Blanket 
by Marnie Hanel, Andrea Slonecker, & Jen Stevenson


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