Quick tip: Easily peel garlic – no sticky skin!

40 garlic cloves

Tired of having thin garlic skin stick to your fingers when you’re peeling garlic? It’s easy to prevent – in fact, there are two methods: (i) just put the garlic cloves in the microwave for a few seconds or (ii) blanch them in boiling water.

And once you have all that lovely garlic peeled, try one of our favorite recipes: Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic. A quick look in the EYB library produced these online recipes. (If you check out Adam Roberts’ version, he demonstrates the blanching technique). Or, here’s a selection of recipes found in our members’ cookbooks, including versions by Kamman, Wolfert, Cook’s Illustrated, and lots of others.

And remember that besides being healthy for you, garlic will keep away all those vampires coming out during Halloween!

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