Baked chicken and lazy summer pudding

chicken with roasted vegiesHaving imbibed the Olympics spirt, we thought these two recipes from Nigel Slater in The Observer serves two purposes. First, they cater to our British frame-of-mind and, second, the recipes are easy enough to be able to prepare with minimal viewing time lost.

Slater describes The Baked Chicken with Summer Vegetables as  follows:

I rubbed a load of chicken pieces, mostly brown meat, such as thighs and drumsticks, with a commercial peri-peri seasoning, and baked them on top of summer vegetables in a roasting tin. The juices from the chicken, spiced with chillies, sweet paprika and lime juice, ran down into the vegetables and mingled with the olive oil in the pan. What the presentation lacked in finesse, the dish made up for in flavour.”

And the Summer Pudding:

“Rather than cut the bread into thin slices and place them methodically into a bowl, I tore up some pieces of sourdough and made a nifty patchwork. The effect was strangely more satisfying than with my usual way, possibly because I had achieved a magnificent-looking pudding in no time at all.”

A couple of notes:

  • If you don’t have a go-to place for easy conversion back and forth between British and American measurements and terms, here’s an easy online converter and dictionary: Recipes4us
  • Also, if you like these recipes and/or you’re a Nigel Slater fan, check out his author page here at EYB.

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