How to blog about food

Strawberry Ice Cream

Christina Soong-Kroeger over at The Hungry Australian has put together a series of well-thought-out tips on starting a food blog. As she writes,

“As I began blogging I had lots of questions. How did I get people to comment on my posts? What should I write about? Do I need a decent camera? How did I make a header on my site? What are plugins and widgits? How do I get that ‘more’ symbol on my posts so people have to click through? How do I create a collage of photos?

And the big question: how did the rockstar food bloggers – i.e. David Lebovitz, Deborah from Smitten Kitchen, Jaden from Steamy Kitchen, Ree from The Pioneer Woman, Matt from Matt Bites, Elise from Simply Recipes, Heidi from 101 Cookbooks, Shauna from Gluten Free Girl, and Bakerella – get where they are?”

And for the proverbial icing on the cake, at the bottom of her article, she’s compiled an extensive (100) collection of links to articles on the subject, including advice on marketing, food photography, writing, legal aspects, and just general tips. 

Enjoy and learn!

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