Judge decrees that tacos are, indeed, sandwiches

What food qualifies as a sandwich? The debate over this definition has resulted in heated arguments and even legal action. Whether hot dogs, gyros, or tacos count is a source of contention with voices on both sides declaring that they are right. Recently, a judge in Indiana settled the question (at least in that state) that tacos are sandwiches, and while that might sound like a silly topic for a court to consider, it had real world implications.

Restaurant owner Martin Quintana began his quest to have tacos labeled as sandwiches after he was refused a lease because the neighborhood association, which had Quintana sign an agreement that any restaurant he opened in that location would be one that served ‘made to order’ sandwiches, didn’t buy the argument that tacos and burritos were Mexican-style sandwiches. However, Allen County Superior Court Judge Craig Bobay did. His ruling made it official and Quintana was able to move forward with opening his restaurant.

Whether courts agree that tacos are sandwiches or not, we at Eat Your Books have long included tacos and burritos under our Recipe Types subsection Sandwiches & Burgers. I guess we were ahead of the curve with that one. We also include a few other items that might be controversial in this category including fresh spring rolls, French tartines (those that are not cookies, tartlets, or pastries), gyros, along with anything that has a bread or wrapper of some kind.

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  • KatieK1  on  May 25, 2024

    ‘The original agreement, the Gazette added, already permitted restaurants that served “made-to-order Greek gyros, Indian naan wraps, or Vietnamese banh mi”‘

    Of course the neighborhood association’s position was discriminatory.

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